

Last seen: 5 months ago

As a passionate news reporter, I am fueled by an insatiable curiosity and an unwavering commitment to truth. With a keen eye for detail and a relentless pursuit of stories, I strive to deliver timely and accurate information that empowers and engages readers.

Member since Apr 15, 2024

NASA Artemis Mission Progresses with SpaceX Starship Te...

As part of NASA’s Artemis campaign to return humans to the Moon for the benefit ...

Tech Today: NASA Helps Find Where the Wildfires Are

Globally, nearly all wildfires start with a human ignition source – not lightnin...

NASA, Industry Improve Lidars for Exploration, Science

NASA engineers will test a suite of new laser technologies from an aircraft this...

Tech Today: Cutting the Knee Surgery Cord

After Eugene Malinskiy saw a physician assistant trip over arthroscopic camera c...

Missed the total solar eclipse? Watch video of key mome...

A total solar eclipse darkened skies across the U.S. Tens of millions witnessed ...

Bill Nye discusses total solar eclipse

Bill Nye "The Science Guy" got to see the total solar eclipse from Fredericksbur...

Total solar eclipse cuts path across U.S.

Millions in the U.S., Mexico and Canada were able to see a total solar eclipse o...

Solar eclipse maps show 2024 totality path, peak times ...

Astronomy fans figuring out where and what time to see the April 8, 2024, total ...

Zoo animals got quiet, exhibited nighttime behavior dur...

During the eclipse, zoo animals across the U.S. displayed some unique behaviors,...

Bird Flu Is Spreading in Alarming New Ways

H5N1 has infected cattle across the US and jumped from a mammal to a human for t...

Can You Really Run on Top of a Train, Like in the Movies?

To pull off this classic Hollywood stunt, you gotta know your physics!

Toronto Wants to Manage Storms and Floods—With a Rain Tax

Outcry reached such a crescendo last week that the city canceled public hearings...

Space Force Is Planning a Military Exercise in Orbit

Two satellites will engage in a “realistic threat response scenario” when Victus...

The Quest to Map the Inside of the Proton

Long-anticipated experiments that use light to mimic gravity are revealing the d...

Study maps "forever chemical" water contamination hotsp...

Study finds cancer-linked PFAS chemicals prevalent in drinking water sources acr...

Space station captures image of moon's shadow during so...

NASA flight engineers managed to photograph and videotape the moon's shadow on E...

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